Shepardizing a Case, AKA Using Citators


What Lexis Offers

Lexis provides three ways of checking citations and verifying caselaw and statutes.


The Shepard's Citations Service enables you to assessing the relevance and validity of legal documents to your research, as well as to find additional supportive documents. Specifically, it can find such things as:

Lexis offers two choices (click the appropriate bullet) when Shepardizing a citation:



This is from Lexis's Help pages:
"You can use the Auto-Cite® service to verify the accuracy of your research. The Auto-Cite service gives you the procedural history of your opinion, the full case name, and a very reliable set of parallel citations. However, Auto-Cite does not provide every citation to a given case. Auto-Cite gives you only cases referring negatively to your selected case."

The AutoCite interface is pretty simple.


LexCite enables you to more precisely define the courts and dates for the citations that you are searching for. It can also locate both reported and unreported cases and a wide range of secondary sources, including law reviews and other references.